October 19, 2010

Come be a tutor!

Do you speak English?  Can you spare an hour a week?  Are you in the Russellville area?  Well, you should consider being an English tutor.  We're starting some ESL (English as a Second Language) ministry right here in the Russellville area!

We'll be doing a training with the ESL curriculum that we use at LEI next week, so this training should give you plenty of teaching tools to get started as a tutor.  The schedule for the sessions is as follows:
Tuesday, October 26th, 6:30-9:30pm
Thursday, October 28th, 6:30-9:30pm
Saturday, October 30th, 8:30am-12:30pm

Location:  First Freewill Baptist Church of Russellville  1103 East L Street

So call us or contact us at bmymeans@gmail.com if you're interested in coming.  The cost is $35, to pay for the cost of the books and materials.  As soon as the training is complete, we'll work on helping to pair you up with a student as soon as possible.  Or if you already have someone in mind, that's great, too.  You and your student can meet once a week for an hour, or whatever the two of you decide.

What's going on with us right now?  
We've decided to focus on things closer to home.  We've had a lot of people asking about ESL ministry because of the growing needs and opportunities right on our doorstep.

What's our current goal?
Our goal is to establish a flourishing ESL ministry in the Russellville area.

What's our plan?
Our plan is to train tutors, partner them up with a student, and support each of these partnerships to become a long term learning relationship and friendship.

We feel that our current vision follows the LEI motto:
"Each one teach one and win one to Christ"

I guarantee you that as a tutor, you'll get just as much out of it as your student will.  I know all of you can speak English and can spare an hour a week, so you're all set to become a tutor.  No, you don't need to have any foreign language to become a tutor.  Please ask us any questions you have if you're sitting there pondering this opportunity.  You can even leave a comment on this post, and we can do a follow-up post for frequently asked questions (choose 'Anonymous' and you won't need any account to comment).

That's what's going on right now-- so help us make this vision happen!